Kashinath Chawan

The Fisheye and Arjuna (Gajanand Maharaj Smoking Chillum)

Shiny colour ballpoint pen on paper on pink card paper, with the depiction of the Saint Gajanand Maharaj smoking chillum on the other side and with Chawan’s fingerprint on the back side. 36 (w) x 56 (h) cm.


Arjuna is a central character of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata who was an ace-archer said to be equal to 12 Maharatha class warriors. During an archery instruction session, archery master Dronacharya a tied a wooden fish high on a tree above a pool of water and instructed each disciple to aim at the fish’s eye while looking only at its reflection in the water. Later he asked them one by one what they saw looking at the fish’s reflection on the water. The disciples listed whatever they saw one by one such as the sky, the water, the tree etc. except Arjuna. When he was asked the same question Arjuna said that he saw the fish’s eye. Guru Drone told him to shoot and Arjuna’s arrow pierced through the eye of the fish. The story tells that the excess of information is an obstacle to master whatever we do and it is essential to focus on what we are willing to achieve.

The Fisheye and Arjuna (Gajanand Maharaj Smoking Chillum)